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Lifestyle modifications : Reflux no more

What is Heartburn, Acid Reflux, GERD?

HeartburnOne of the common symptoms you get,

when stomach acid moves upwards and backward into the esophagus or food pipe.

Acid Reflux: The stomach acid moves backward and upwards into the food pipe. Heartburn and acid reflux are used interchangeably to mean the same problem.

GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a spectrum of condition(includes symptoms, injury or histopathological changes) occurring due to chronic, regurgitation of acid and or bile from your stomach into the esophagus.


Can children have acid reflux?

Surprisingly, yes. GERD has been the number one oesophageal disorder in children of all age group.GER is common in up to 40 to 65% of infants and generally gets better within 12 to 24 months of age.

Some amount of reflux occurring occasionally, is normal.Only when the reflux occurs persistently and causes symptoms in the child, it is considered pathological.GER causing either feeding problems or breathing problems is sufficient reason for a consultation with your doctor.


 Why does it occur?

It is useful to know that, in infants less than one year, acid reflux is often due to immature digestive system.The physiological sphincter is a muscular valve between stomach and oesophagus ,which generally becomes fully functional by one year of age.

Older children might have a variety of reasons, commonly they are


How do you know it might be Acid reflux?

Symptoms to watch out for


Complications of GERD

Persistent cough, aggravation of wheezing in children with asthma and hoarseness are often  present.


Diagnosis of GERD

History as explained by parents and physical examination .are often enough for your doctor to suspect this problem.

Improvement of symptoms following anti-reflux  medications is often indirect proof of this condition.

Test for diagnosis:

Test for diagnosis of Reflux complication



  1. Lifestyle measures and what you as a parent can do
  2. Medical management
  3. Surgical therapy


This is the best way ensure long-term benefit to the child and prevent complications.

You as a parent have a very important role in  maintainin good control in prevention of acid remaintainingminimal or no usage of medicine ,depending on severity of condition

Small volume,calorie dense,thick feeds at frequent intervals is the best way to avoid regurgitation.Donot give water ,milk or any other liquids ,during or immediately after feeds.

Older children need to avoid food items causing reflux:

chocolates,aerated beverages,tomatoes,citrus fruits,fatty food,fried food,mint etc.

Decreasing weight in case of obesity is important in all age group.


Infants : feed your child with the head and upper end of chest elevated.

This you can do by placing a pillow under your folded legs on the left side  (that is below your lap).Head of the baby in the crook of your arm and your back having a good support.

Head end of the bed may be elevated by 20 to 30 degrees.This is done by placing bricks below the bed at the head end.

Prone position decreases reflux  and may only be done under supervision for limited duration.However as  supine position decreases risk of  sudden infant death syndrome American Academy of Pediatricians  strongly recommend supine position during sleep.


Medical management 

1)Proton pump inhibitors(PPI):First line choice for treatment .Experience with pediatric dosing and availability of formulations,excellent safety profile ,food and drug administration approval have all made this one of the most popular effective drug for GERD.

2)Acid blockers/ Histamine- 2 receptor antagonists:

3)Surface agents:

Sucralfate is popular  as a protective barrier.In acidic pH sucralfate forms protective polymers and adheres  selectively to erosion and ulcers of the mucosa.It is important to give sucralfate before use of either PPI or H2 blockers.

4) Antacids: not popular in children.Long term usage is not recommended as side effects are common.Mostly used as a trial therapy to establish reflux and for providing symptomatic relief.


Surgical therapy

Nissen fundoplication is the most frequently used procedure in children

 Summary and take home message for    parents:

 Updated 19th October 2017


1)Mechanisms of gastroesophageal reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease.Vandenplas Y1, Hassall E.J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2002 Aug;35(2):119-36.

2)Recent advances in Paediatrics volume 2.Academic editor Suraj Gupte

3)Pathogenesis of chronic persistent cough associated with gastroesophageal reflux.Ing AJ, Ngu MC, Breslin AB.Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1994 Jan;149(1):160-7

 4)Nelson text book of Pediatrics


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