Flowered Bytes is a book about finding inspiration.
Life gives you several choices. You are what you choose. But sometimes at life’s crossroads when things look bleak, you need to have faith and persist. That’s the message of this book as Anand weaves his life stories and learnings. His formal education, distance education, and the influence computers and the internet had on his life. I liked the honesty in the storytelling.
Kerala is a highly literate state. But the access to employable education, cannot be stressed enough. That’s what Anand shows. With access to computer skills, he does what traditional education did not help him with.
He talks about having a healthy life. Maintaining a balanced diet, exercising and sleep for maintaining health.
The author faces health challenges and this is why his advice for all, is to stay healthy always. Anand has won the Microsoft Most valuable professional award 2002 -2011 and dedicated his life to be an educator.He works as a freelancer and also creates courses for others.
Who is this book for?
It’s an inspirational read. A book for anyone who is doubting themselves.Someone, who is not sure about what to do next. The book will help you introspect. How Anand chose his path at crossroads. He could have stopped and spent time in self-pity. Instead, he did the best he could, with the resources he had. Sounds simple, but is often the most difficult. Life, after all, gives its fair share of roses and thorns. Both teach us and make us what we are today. The trick is acceptance and persistence. This is what this book is all about.
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What could be better?
I felt a disconnect in the story, possibly due to my own expectations. Because of the nature of the book, I was looking for a chronological charting of Anand’s journey. But the back and forth narrative made it a little difficult to follow in some parts of the book. I would love to know about what the author did to become a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional and how he skilled himself in more details. That, I feel will help someone in a similar position
The book blurb
Flowered Bytes is all about stories, which captures your mind. The book is not a big novel with lengthy pages but it includes crisp, concise and succinct short stories with a wide range of themes.
About the author
Anand Narayanaswamy works as a freelance writer, blogger, reviewer, and social media influencer and is based in Kerala.Anand is the recipient of Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award from 2002 to 2011. He has his own blog and has worked as a social media influencer for several brands.