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7 Powerful Lessons , India’s Independence Struggle Taught Me: BharatVarsha #IndependenceDay

7 Things India's Freedom Struggle Taught Me Healthwealthbridge

15th August is India’s Independence Day .In order  to remind the younger generations of the wounds and scars of  Partition, Prime Minister Narendra Modi  in 2021 declared that August 14 would be observed as ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day .The partition atrocities happened.Its symbolic .Like Halahal the poison that came out before the God’s could get Amrit.Today we celebrate our 78th Independendce Day.

Freedom is precious. Fight for it .Netaji did even when it meant he had to give up power and fight behind the scenes.People will take away your freedom by various means.Some are obvious others not so much.

Freedom is sacrifice. Freedom today is because of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters women ,men and their families.

Freedom is choosing the right path and staying on it.Those in power will never want you to be free .They will bribe you so that you choose to be a prisoner.

Freedom is talking about India’s freedom struggle.About how India became free .Narrative is controlled by those in power .That’s the reason our history books still has so much disinformation and misinformation .But if people can’t discuss this without drama ,it means we are not truly free.

Freedom comes with responsibility. You have to be ready to defend it .The costs are always high.But it’s worth it.

Freedom doesn’t come easily.Freedom today means what our forefathers did yesterday. Freedom for our kids tomorrow will need action today.

Freedom needs your voice You have to fight for your own freedom and be the voice for those who can’t .

Bharat Varsha  struggled  for it’s freedom for a very long time .The Delhi Sultanate,the Mughals and the British were all invaders .They broke Bharat into bits .Killed ,raped and maimed .The genocide that happened is written down in books, but the gaslighting continues.Denial and twisting facts happen for a reason.Our job is not just to identify that ,but also to spread the right message. As citizens born in a free country it’s our duty to ensure that our children know the true price of freedom and learn to defend it.Because freedom is life.Freedom is not just a moment in history ,it’s a life long journey and  commitment .

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