If my blog had a theme song it would be, I’m alive!
I think that about sums it up. My blog makes me feel alive. When I am not feeling very inspired, I write. When I feel sad, I write when I want to rant and rave, I write. The best part is, it has prevented me from blowing up in front of people and short-circuiting relationships.
That never helps. Writing and blogging are two very different things. Some days I write and I don’t publish on my blog, because it’s just not meant for public viewing. Writing I feel, makes people more honest and real. It gives a direct dialogue with your inner self. Writers are probably some of the few people who can say, they are working when they daydream. At least that’s what I say!
The truth is I am actually thinking about something I saw or read or felt when I have a glazed expression. If you are a parent you know that’s not something you want your child to learn, when they sit down to study. So I have to balance the fine line between being a Doctor mommy and a creative mommy and be true to both.
On the good days, I give myself a five star. On the not so good days, I am double checking my own brain. Some days are like that. But that’s where writing helps. It helps my brain connect to the real world better. It’s almost like writing words help in understanding my own self.
I think I could fly , that’s what my blog makes me believe!
If I am not reading or writing, I like to trim my plants or potter around the home. The last one is a distant third. But when I blog I feel alive!
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