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Email the Smart Way:Mompreneur’s blogging journey & Pat Flynn’s Ebook(Part 5)

When I started blogging  I didn’t know about newsletters.Had no idea how to  design one. I had a difficult time understanding why, I needed to collect emails.
I finally  found the  answer :To  make  your blog a biz it needs to  make money.
Sponsored post and freebies are great ,but having a set plan to make money.Thats adifferent level of blogging .
So  baby steps.

Email List building questions I had:

Seriously where to start.
That’s when I had found Pat’s Email the Smart Way first edition.
Learnt a few things .Implemented .Baby steps
But I was still apprehensive .
What with my blog design issues.Trying to have a regular blogging schedule.
The first Pat helped with the SPI Pro theme.
Second:Blogchatter helped with #Half marathon & #MyFriendAlexa
3rd Pat Flynn to the rescue.The updated revamped ,Email the smart way.
A favourite Webinar topic:
“How to build your list and sell :How I made my first zillion”
A very popular quote:
“The money is in the list”
But does everyone  with a list become a millionaire?
But do you open every email you get?
Do you read and act on every newsletter that lands up in your inbox.
How many emails do you open?
I open max 7 emails from the many landing up in my inbox.
Two ,I check for, every week on the scheduled day.So I don’t miss any important stuff. On a side note, I got way more organized when I learned that you can buy Microsoft Office for Mac, once set up I was much more efficient.
Both are full of goodies.They make me feel good .
I learn something new every time
Now if you have signed up for your favourite bloggers newsletter.
What do you expect?
Something to help you with whatever problem you wanted solved when you signed up.for the news letter.Right.
In this totally free e-book you will learn everything to know about email market.
Most importantly :why the size of the list is not important.
What’s important is how engaged your list is with your content.
I absolutely love everything Pat  does.
Because he radiates empathy.
Kindness,sincerity are not just offline qualities.
They are reflected in your online actions too.
It’s great to make money.But nobody really likes being repeatedly scolded ,prodded,pushed virtually.
Every time I have associated with Pat Flynn it has taught me something.

Newsletter Services: My limited experience

I first started with Mail chimp .Some problem with the spam filter.
Didn’t go back.
Tried out mail poet .It’s free .Not happy.
Tried mailmarketer  last year.It’s very basic.Doesn’t work very well on your mobile.
Tried Madmimi   . It’s pretty cool.They have a free option.Needs a credit card for the rest.
(I really  hate the word  “Credit card”)
Trying out the platform will update.

So what will you learn from Pat’s Ebook?

Want answers to these and all your email marketing  queries
Go and get Pat Flynn’s free  Ebook   Email the Smart way.
Why am I sharing this ?
Remember  I am on a blogging journey. Learning  everything and sharing.
I love this book .Its making me take the first step.
If you are a blogger go check this book out.
Then let me know what you think about this.
Don’t forget to comment  below about your experience  with this book and with  newsletters.
 I am taking my blogs Alexa  rank to the next level with Blogchatter and #MyFriendAlexa.
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