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Child Developement Clinic India:Why we need it

In recent times, there has been a surge of developmental problems like autism, learning disability and behavioral problems in children other than the so-called global developmental delay and cerebral palsy.
With the advent of PICU(pediatric intensive care unit) and NICU(Neonatal Intensive care unit) better healthcare facilities and better survival of sick and small neonates, there has been an increase in childhood disability. At present 10% of the population has some form of disability, it is much higher in high-risk babies graduating from NICU and PICU.

It is important to screen our children for development from time to time, as it not only helps to document their development track but also aids in early detection of any significant lags and addresses them timely with appropriate measures.
Child Development Clinic is an early intervention and pediatric rehabilitation center which works exclusively for High Risks Infants and children with special needs

So why we need a CDC?

1] Disabilities are not always visible: Doctors along with parents, play a key role in monitoring child’s development and identifying any signs of delays or challenges.
2] Early intervention is important:.The first three years of a child’s development are the most crucial. Intervention at this stage before any formal diagnosis is essential.Early intervention can be remedial or preventive in nature i.e remediation of existing developmental problems or preventing their occurrence.
3] Burden is huge:.As per official data, approximately 52 million children in India have symptoms of developmental disabilities.
4] Social stigmata: to break the stigmata that these children with special needs are not a burden to the society.We believe that all such children can be included in society and reach their maximum potential if given the chance. And we the apparently normal people have a lot to gain from them.

Child Development Clinic India-Why we need it

Who will help you in a Child development clinic

Check this site out for more information about child development.

What will they be checking?

They will monitor hearing, sight, motor skills, language and speech, intelligence, social skills and overall development.

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