10 Truths about weight lifting for women

I used to lift weights 10 years back.Then in the mad rush of studies, work , marriage and then baby I had forgotten how much fun it was.
How great I felt.
I started lifting again only 1 year back.
But it’s like finding your best buddy again.
You remember all the fun you had.
First Anniversary mocktail mommies celebration contest:Day 5 Fitness Friday 
It’s like no time had passed.
  I had first weight trained when  I started my MBBS studies.Didn’t know much about pros and cons of strength training .
But I fell in love with barbells, dumbbells, deadlifts overhead presses, pull ups, squats!Everything.


Weight loss for women has myths surrounding it making the truth invisible

Will you lose weight?

This will largely depend upon your diet and your genes.
  Will you become stronger?
 Yes definitely.
 Will you look great and feel awesome?
 Absolutely .
 The Myths about strength training
  • Lifting heavy weights will make you bulky.
  • It’s bad for your joints
  • When you have muscle if you stop lifting it will become  fat.
  • You will lose your femininity.

 10 Truths about strength training for women:

  • Make you stronger
  • Make you healthier.
  • Make you toned.
  • Helps you lose weight even when you are not exercising.
  • Boosts your BMR
  • A quick way to get rid of your blues and increase endorphins.
  • Helps control attacks of anxiety depression and mood swings
  • Decreases stress
  • Sleep quality improved
  • Stronger heart
Yoga for increasing flexibility and finding your core.
The treadmill for improving cardiorespiratory health.
But are they enough?
Can you do targeted weight loss?
For weight loss, you must do compound movements.Big movements.
Movements that need a lot of different muscle groups to complete.
These are the exercises which help you become stronger and leaner.

Should men and women lift different weights?

Men have testosterone as their major sex hormone, which helps them bulk up.
While women have estrogen which doesn’t bulk you up.But helps make lean muscle.It helps improve bone density and make you stronger.
So why do women heavy lifters look so big?
3 Things.
 They maybe taking special protein supplements.
Specifically,  want that look and have trained for years .
May also be under hormonal therapy.
The truth is for you to find out.


FITNESS CHALLENGE: Stronger together
Treadmill or weight lifting ?
Which burns more?
 Hands down weights do.
Cardio you burn calories while doing it.
Strength training  helps you burn during and after the exercise.
You lift weights
Your muscle continues to need more oxygen after you stop.
This is EPOC or excess post exercise energy consumption.This makes you lose more calorie and increase BMR. 
Standing burns calories,  more than sitting.
Walking is better than standing and strength training is better than walking!

Start lifting heavy weights .Lift everything. The stronger you are the better you will feel.The more confident  you will be.

But it’s important to talk to your brain.Because exercise has a lot to do with your mind. What makes you happy?

Are you ready to make a change be stronger?


Tell me ,  do you do like strength training .Comment  below and let me know.


 Disclaimer: This is meant to promote awareness about healthy lifestyle and necessity for exercise.This is not a blanket recommendation for all.It is advisable to consult your own doctor before starting any new exercise program.




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By Dr.Amrita Basu(MBBS,MS)

I am an ENT surgeon by profession, previously working at a Medical college. I believe the Internet is God's way of providing health and wealth information for all. The important thing is to find the right information.


  1. Never ever had done any weight lifting, except for lifting heavy shopping bags!!! Jokes apart, will surely take it up as serious affair to loose those extra bags of weights.
    Very informative read.
    Anagha From Team MocktailMommies

  2. Wow, that’s quite an info! I have never tried weights, even i thought i will end up looking bulky, but your post has definitely cleared out a lot. I guess i need to give a shot as well…

  3. I would never dear try to lift something as heavy as that I would strain myself. Good luck to you.

  4. I love lifting weights! I do other things as well, but I am always so pumped to pump iron! 🙂

  5. Thanks for sharing the great insights on weight training! I like lifting dumbles, deadlifts overhead presses, pull ups, langes but I don’t like squats! I love the sweet body ache after weight training!

  6. It’s great to read that weightlifting has so many benefits! I never truly investigated what I could get out of it.

  7. I used to do Body Pump 3 times a week. I enjoyed it but I develop muscle really quickly and one of my arms was getting too big….lol…..so I stopped! As for using exercise to lose weight, it needs to be well-balanced with a healthy diet or else it won’t work. Good on you for going back to weight-lifting!

  8. I used to be somewhat scared of lifting weights, but I have overtime overcome that.
    Working out makes me healthier, stronger and super happy and so I just do it!

  9. I never looked at weightlifting in this way before. I never liked women who had too many muscles. I would like to try this in order to tone my body.

  10. I like weight lifting, though I do not practice much off late..yes the worry of muscle development is always there. I have time and again told my fellow gym-mates about this, still the myth seems to stay strong in the minds..

    1. Actually smaller weights more repeats can cause hypertrophy.
      Large weights less repeatation is said to increase BMR.
      Thanks for reading

    1. The main problem of stopping weight lifting is ,if you still continue to eat as much as before and your BMR falls then you don’t burn as much.Then obviously you will gain weight????

  11. So glad you wrote it, Amrita! Women have some crazy misconceptions and half-baked knowledge and that stops them from lifting weights.
    I am glad you included the WRONG belief about muscle turning into fat!

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